About the Endowment for the Advancement of Psychotherapy
The mission of the Endowment for the Advancement of Psychotherapy is to support and expand education.
Overwhelmed, frightened or numbed by unwanted emotions or experiences, more than 16 million Americans every year seek help for emotional problems. For some individuals, it may be all they can do to go to work, care for their children or just get out of bed in the morning.
Program in Psychodynamics (PiP)
Fostering the career development of residents who will become leaders in the application of psychodynamic principles and clinical care.
To foster the career development of residents with an interest in psychodynamic research, psychoanalysis, and psychodynamic psychotherapy, our program offers a flexible sequence of opportunities for additional academic and clinical pursuits in each of the four years of the residency.
Support the Endowment for the Advancement of Psychotherapy
The need for psychodynamic therapy
has never been greater.
The need to train future clinicians, support research efforts and educate the public is the priority for the Endowment for the Advancement of Psychotherapy. Stay connected, Join Our Mailing list
Research in Psychodynamics
There is a movement within the field of mental health to support only treatments for psychiatric disorders deemed empirically validated.
Unfortunately, there is a dearth of empirical research on psychoanalytically-oriented psychotherapies. Through the Psychotherapy Research Program (PRP), the Endowment seeks both to fund empirical research on psychoanalytic psychotherapy as well as educate psychoanalytic researchers in research design and methods specific to the study of psychotherapy.
The Endowment for the Advancement of Psychodynamic Psychotherapy is managed by a board of advisors composed of academics and clinicians dedicated to supporting research, training and public education of psychodynamic oriented psychotherapies.
The Endowment
The Endowment for the Advancement of Psychotherapy is dedicated to supporting and expanding education, professional training, and research in dynamic psychotherapy. We endeavor to educate the public about the power of this kind of treatment, where the doctor-patient relationship is central to the work of dealing with developmental problems, life conflicts and vulnerabilities, and the impact of biologically driven mental illness, for as long as required.
Similar to the classic “patient on the couch” psychoanalysis, psychodynamics is based on the premise that mental well-being is influenced by unconscious conflicts, significant childhood experiences and painful feelings that are hidden behind a variety of defense mechanisms, which affect the individual’s development and ability to adapt to new situations and relationships. However, in dynamic therapy, therapists and patients work in partnership face-to-face — exploring together the broad spectrum of the patient’s life; not just his or her innermost thoughts and dreams.
Mind-Body Connection
Psychodynamic therapy not only may improve mental well-being, but also physical health. Several studies of patients with terminal breast cancer and other cancers have shown that people who participate in support groups live longer and maintain higher emotional well-being. Other research indicates that, when emotional health improves, patients have fewer visits to medical doctors’ offices. This is significant since some studies estimate that the majority of all visits to medical treatment providers may be stress-related.
"The mind-body clash has disguised the truth that psychotherapy is physiology. When a person starts therapy, he isn’t beginning a pale conversation; he is stepping into a somatic state of relatedness."
Thomas Lewis, A General Theory of Love